Accuracy – RTK from John Deere provides highly accurate, repeatable corrections from global positioning system (GPS) to John Deere’s suite of precision ag applications. RTK utilizes a local, ground-based reference station that transmits the high-accuracy corrections to a StarFire receiver on a machine via RTK Radios.
Accuracy depends on the distance between the base station and the machine. At 20 km (12 miles) from a base station, a machine has 1.6 km (1 in.) of accuracy 68 percent of the time, but the closer the machine is to the base station, the more accurate the signal is.
StarFire RTK accuracy depends on the distance between the base station and the machine. The shorter the distance, the more accurate the system will be. In general, the accuracy of StarFire RTK is described below.
+/- 2.5cm (1 in.), 95 percent of the time
Up to 20 km (12 miles) line of sight
Measured at the receiver every 15 minutes
RTK accuracy provides many benefits to the user as well as highly accurate corrections to a suite of John Deere precision solutions. Machines utilizing this type of signal correction have repeatable +/- 2.5 cm (1 in.) accuracy out to 1.6 km (1 mile) 95 percent of the time.
Benefits include:
Reduced overlap
A producer running RTK can operate at +/- 2.5 cm (1 in.) pass-to-pass accuracy. With less overlap, fewer inputs are used and overall costs can be reduced.
No satellite drift
Inherent to any satellite-based guidance system, drift occurs. Whether it is starting up a tractor in the morning or servicing it during the day, A-B lines can drift during those time periods. With RTK, satellite drift is completely taken out, because the stationary, local base station is now providing the corrections.
Additional functionality
RTK also enables other John Deere products to provide greater precision and repeatability like implement guidance.